
How to use Himalayan Salt Lamps for Spiritualism
How to use Himalayan Salt Lamps for Spiritualism
The practice of invoking the dead has been around for countless centuries. Since this occult art requires an open passage between two realms of existence, it can leave the practitioner and all those present vulnerable to many energies that are not necessarily beneficial. A spiritualist medium could in fact find herself confronted by powers for which her will alone is insufficient to assure absolute control, or she might be visited by spirits that she had not consciously called upon. So, how can Himalayan Salt Lamps help?
Himalayan Salt Lamps and the connection with Chakras in human body
Himalayan Salt Lamps and the connection with Chakras in human body
Himalayan Salt Lamps are closely connected to three major chakras: Svadhisthana (sexuality/sel-control), Manipura (will/ power), and especially Muladhara (energy/ vitality), the root of chakra.
Himalayan Salt Lamps and Experiencing Reincarnation
Himalayan Salt Lamps and Experiencing Reincarnation
Regression into past lives can help us to understand and resolve persistent patterns of behavior and thought. One technique for achieving such regression is known as “rebirthing”. Rebirthing experiences can be quite powerful, and also quite dramatic; they are not necessary easy or innocuous. Instead, they can be quite complicated and can bring up unexpected physical reactions. I should point out that one of the methods often used to accomplish such a journey into the core requires us to over-oxygenate our bodies, which is not necessarily risk-free. It is advisable to this under the direction of an experienced practitioner who is used to dealing with the kinds of phenomena that occur during rebirthing sessions. Some of those said persons use Himalayan Salt Lamps for higher result.
The Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps in Meditation
The Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps in Meditation
There are many different kinds of meditation, but all of them are enhanced by the use of Himalayan Salt Lamps.
Himalayan Salt Lamps as Contact Objects in paranormal work
Himalayan Salt Lamps as Contact Objects in paranormal work
In pursuing any kind of paranormal work, we sometimes have a need to return very quickly to our everyday world, to make a break between two levels of reality that are fundamentally different in their essence. This may happen if we find ourselves confronted with negative forces that we are unable to control successfully, or simply of we are tired or feel hurried. From a state close to sleepwalking, it is not easy to make this return trip without side effects, which can include persistent feelings of unreality, depression, rapid heartbeat, and temporary but unpleasant hypo- or hyperthermia, among other things. However, Himalayan Salt Lamps as contact objects can reduce those feelings.
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